ESNA is a news agency specialised in European higher education and science policy. We are the only agency focussed on Europe and with a special focus on non-English news sources.

WHAT? We offer a comprehensive overview of European education news daily, in-depth reports, translation services and conference video services.

WHEN? Set up in 2008, ESNA has been a trail-blazer in the field of higher education news.

Based in Berlin, ESNA also has a network of correspondents across Europe.

WHY? To inform policy makers in higher education, to hold universities to account and to inspire the next generation of higher education policy makers and journalists.

ESNA Media
image (c) ESNA


“Arts and science are of equal importance,”
as a German education minister once said, and we couldn’t agree more.

You want a representative video of your event. We capture research excellence with a cinematographic eye. Let’s expand your reach with a state-of-the-art media product.
Our team of highly qualified reporters, writers, filmmakers, graphic designers and media consultants combine technical know-how with scientific communication experience – a unique nexus of creative and academic innovation. This is what makes ESNA Media the better choice for the coverage of your event.

Capturing and sharing the uniqueness of your event is exactly where we specialise.
You are organising the perfect gathering for learning, networking and discovering. Together we will identify your specific needs and then strive to capture the feel of your event, presenting themes and participants in a vibrant, cinematographic light. This is the art of producing a conference video that no-one can replicate.
  • On-location shooting
  • Key notes
  • Data summaries
  • One-on-one interviews
  • Ambience footage


Once captured, we transform your event into a film of TV-quality. Our team of editors work with a spectrum of sound and visual effects to combine the materials and create a seamless documentation. Your video will be formatted in high-definition for use across various media platforms.
  • High-definition formats
  • Motion graphics
  • Title screens
  • Original music
  • On-screen text
  • Multi-language voice overs

Now to get your audiences involved. Following your event, we can support your communication strategy to ensure a perfect delivery. Specific for scientific peers, representative for your funding bodies, and news-worthy for the broader media – your message arrives tailormade for all audiences.
Your event can be…
  • announced with ESNA online advertisement
  • offered in live streaming
  • incorporated into press releases
  • featured on social media

ESNA Media draws on one and a half decades of field experience in science & education policy and strong professional partners.
ESNA European Higher Education News, the online news agency and student journalism network. Together with ESNA, we have been reporting on research and higher education policy for international media since 1999.
CAUCASO Factory, an award winning film production and media spin-off of Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. ESNA Media and CAUCASO first collaborated for the coverage of University-Business Forum 2014 in Berlin.
iLIKE.MEDIA, the official video service provider for Deutsche Messe AG. In a joint venture, we produced CeBit and Hannover Messe 2014 coverage for major TV stations and online media. We also report on educational technology and inclusion at the The Education Trade Fair Didacta 2015.

We would love to work with you. To discuss the possibilities for your next event, get in touch with us.

image: The Guardian
“It’s the bit that Europe’s founding fathers left out. We are building a great new edifice of freedom without a free press, which mirrors and shadows that growth. This has to be ground up, built on individual contacts and individual enthusiasms. We have to start building our own public opinion, and the moment is now.”

Peter Preston (2005)

What ESNA stands for:


ESNA is an independent journalistic observer and publisher of objective information. We act as an impartial, informed and balanced mediator between the European higher education community, policy makers in EU and national government, and the wider media. Our services overcome language barriers and promote understanding and communication, diversity and respect.

Our international team of highly qualified editors, experienced freelancers and young correspondents work closely with our network of researchers and experts within the field, to provide a balanced, insightful and informed service. 
Specializing solely in Higher Education news enables our team of skilled journalists to focus and ensure the most significant developments, often over-looked by the mass media, are teased out and brought to the attention of our subscribers.

European identity

Aware of Europe’s rich history and the ties that inevitably bind it, ESNA seeks to bring the news of it’s knowledge systems to those forging and securing it’s future.
The ESNA vision is “openness to the world” and the promotion of unity and diversity in a multicultural space.
Based in Berlin, ESNA works with a team of correspondents across Europe, to mediate the most significant developments within European Higher Education.

1999  LETSWORK Zeitung für studentische Arbeit

  • The future founder of ESNA, Tino Brömme, starts “LETSWORK Journal for student work” for the student labour agency TUSMA in Berlin and provides 20.000 international students with news and advice on jobs and labour law.
2002  WORK|OUT European Students’ Review
  • Leaving the student organisation, LETSWORK evolves and becomes WORK|OUT European Students’ Review. With 50.000 copies it becomes the largest student paper of Europe. Seven years a collective of students, lecturers and artists produces and distributes the free multilingual news quarterly in university cities of Germany, Italy, France and Spain.

    Twice, in 2004 and 2005, WORK|OUT wins the national award for innovative contents and solutions in the print and multimedia sector Premio Palinsesto Italia. The jury appreciates “the editorial structure organised as a network” and praises the “valid example of a Europe-wide distribution” to “promote the European identity and encourage cultural criticism.”

    WORK|OUT Archive
2005  EFORS.eu – Europe for Students
  • As an offshoot of the journal, the web portal “EFORS.eu – Europe for Students” arises and becomes an independent successful enterprise. EFORS.eu was one of the most visited websites by young mobile Europeans and a close partner of ESNA.
2008  ESNA European Higher Education News
  • As persons, networks and competences ripened, a new professional channel was needed. So the core group of WORK|OUT founded ESNA, the first press agency, expert network and news publisher focussed on European science and higher education policy.

2015  ESNA Media

  • In order to cover research and policy conferences or debates with experts, the ESNA news team engages in this new working field of of video and podcast. The ESNA journalistic and publishing experience adds to the professional film production capacity of iLIKE.media, messeTV and startupTV in Berlin as well as Caucaso Factory in Bologna.

    iLIKE.media   messeTV.net   startupTV.io   Caucaso.info   ESNA Youtube