BOOKS and studies
Featured Studies // March 2019
in: ‘Hell is truth boundary 2’, p. 38-50

Critics and analysts of neoliberalism seem to miss one of its key tenets: that markets are better than people when it comes to thinking. This talk explores the consequences of this blind spot for modern Marxists, for ‘fake news’, and for the utopia of ‘open science.’

Philip Mirowski | Duke University Press 2019

Science Policy

  • Research careers at universities and large companies
    Göran Melin, Anneloes de Ruiter, Ivette Oomens, et al.
    Technopolis Group | November 2018
    This report presents a qualitative study of research careers; how early career researchers as well as recruiting managers and managers on strategic decision-taking level perceive the research career, and what experiences they have.
  • Newsletter University and Research
    Dr. Andreas Keller, Stefani Sonntag, Andrea Vath (eds.)
    Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft | June 2018
    With a series of decisions, the highest court rulings have led to debates. The need for action is also being explored at many scientific institutions. This newsletter, ‘University and Research’, discusses current decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Social Court.
  • On the way to Karlsruhe research policy
    Justus Hartlieb | January 2019
    From the end of 2020 onwards, KIT's €15 million facility on KIT Campus East will use state-of-the-art digitisation methods to plan, test and transfer new production technologies much faster than previously planned. The project will make an important contribution to the recently adopted "Artificial Intelligence Strategy" of the Federal Government.
  • Can Science Make Sense of Life?
    Sheila Jasanoff
    Polity | 2018
    How far should the capacity to manipulate what life is at the molecular level authorise science to define what life is for? This book looks at flash points in law, politics, ethics, and culture to argue that science’s promises of perfectibility have gone too far.
  • Open letter on Plan S to the European Commission, Science Europe, governments and research funders within the EU
    Young Academy of Sweden | November 2018
    The Young Academy of Sweden has issued an open letter to the European Commission, Science Europe, governments, and research funders within the EU, arguing that Plan S, the initiative for open-access science publishing launched by Science Europe in September 2018, is not the right resolution to the problem of accessible science research.
  • JCR Science for Policy Report Mapping of European Transnational Collaborative Partnerships in Higher Education
    Athina Karvounaraki, Sumathi Subramaniam, Hristo Hristov, et al.
    Publications Office of the European Union | 2018
    This report aimed to map the existing transnational collaborative partnerships between higher education institutions in Europe. In doing so it surveyed representatives from such partnerships. Their responses provided interesting insights which are analysed in this report.
  • How can the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation increase the economic and societal impact of RDI funding in Finland?
    Tomas Åström, Neil Brown, Martin Wain, et al.
    Technopolis Group | February 2018
    This study examines what kinds of benefits have been obtained from EU Framework Programmes and how Finnish participation can be further supported.
  • Inequality in science funding Why obtaining a research grant increases prospects of future funding success
    Thijs Bol, Mathijs de Vaan, Arnout van de Rijt (eds.)
    UvA Persvoorlichting | April 2018
    New research shows that winners of a large research grant programme in the Netherlands have a 2.5 times greater chance of obtaining a follow-up grant than nonwinners. But does a young researcher who wins a grant really have a greater chance of obtaining a follow-up grant than an equally talented fellow-researcher who fails to do so the first time around?

Higher Education Policy

  • Knowledge for Change A Vibrant Urban University with a Growing Global Presence: Thoughts on What Malmö University Could Be
    John Aubrey Douglas | Tapio Salonen & Hans Lindquist (eds.)
    Malmö 2018 | May 2018
    Nowadays, the forces of globalisation and a campaign by various international university ranking enterprises place too much emphasis on a narrow model of what the best universities should be. One result: the notion of a “World Class University” (WCU) and the focus on its close relative, global rankings of universities, dominates the higher education policymaking of ministries and major universities throughout the globe.
  • The Future of Universities Thoughtbook
    40 perspectives on how engaged and entrepreneurial universities will drive growth and shape our knowledge-driven future until 2040

    Todd Davey, Arno Meerman, Balzhan Orazbayeva, et al.
    University Industry Innovation Network | June 2018
    Many believe that universities need to embrace change and seize the opportunity to define how they contribute to a prosperous society, or risk becoming irrelevant. But how? And for what future? The best way to avoid a new disruptor into your market is to disrupt your own market from within… then the questions are, how will it all look in 2040 and will universities be willing to do it?
  • Measuring growth in students’ proficiency in MOOCs: Two component dynamic extensions for the Rasch model
    Dmitry Abbakumov, Piet Desmet, Wim Van den Noortgate
    Springer US | September 2018
    Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are increasingly popular among students of various ages and at universities around the world. The main aim of a MOOC is growth in students’ proficiency. Traditional psychometric approaches based on item response theory (IRT) assume that a student’s proficiency is constant over time, and therefore are not well suited for measuring growth. This study seeks to go beyond this assumption.
  • The Twenty-First Century University Developing Faculty Engagement in Internationalisation
    Lisa K. Childress

    Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York | 2018
    During the last few decades, many university presidents have expressed an intent to internationalise their institutions to equip students with the broad intellectual skills necessary to succeed in the global twenty-first century. However, these well-intentioned calls for internationalisation have remained little more than rhetoric. This second edition of The Twenty-First Century University identifies what successful institutions have done to overcome endogenous challenges and successfully engage faculty in the internationalisation process.

  • Student Engagement and Quality Assurance in Higher Education
    Masahiro Tanaka
    Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | January 2019
    Using a range of international examples to compare the reality, purpose and effect of student engagement in universities across the globe, Student Engagement and Quality Assurance in Higher Education argues that teachers and students need to collaborate to improve the quality of university education and student learning.
  • Conceptualizing Soft Power of Higher Education Globalization and Universities in China and the World
    Jian Li
    Springer | 2018
    This book examines the globalisation trends in higher education from an international political science perspective, using Nye’s theory of soft power to explore the rationale behind it.
  • International Handbook of Universities 2018
    International Association of Universities (IAU) (eds.)
    Palgrave Macmillan | January 2019
    The International Handbook of Universities is the most comprehensive guide to global higher education that provides authoritative information on: Higher education systems, credentials and institutions from over 186 countries. Over 18,400 universities and higher education institutions worldwide that offer at least a postgraduate degree or a four-year professional diploma.
  • U.K.-U.S. Higher Education Partnerships: Firm Foundations and Promising Pathways American Council on Education
    One Dupont Circle NW | 2017
    The United Kingdom and the United States share a common history, deep cultural connections, and a generally positive relationship that serve as a basis for strong academic ties. This study endeavours to provide an analysis of bilateral higher education collaboration, challenges, and opportunities for deeper engagement going forward.
  • The Story of Lifelong Learning – Bertelsmann Study
    Christine Haas
    September 2018 | Die Welt
    There has been a lot of talk about lifelong learning for years. Because in more and more industries and fields, professionals are lacking.
  • Getting Skills Right: Future-Ready Adult Learning Systems
    OECD | February 2019
    This report presents the key results from the Priorities for Adult Learning (PAL) Dashboard which facilitates comparisons between countries along seven dimensions of the readiness of adult learning systems to address future skill challenges. Based on the dashboard, the report highlights in which areas action is needed, and policy examples from OECD and emerging countries throughout the report illustrate how these actions could be implemented.
  • The state of university-business cooperation in Europe
    Todd Davey, Balzhan Orazbayeva, Thomas Baaken, et al.
    Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union | June 2018
    This report presents the findings of the project ‘The State of University-Business Cooperation in Europe’. The aim of the project was to get a more profound, comprehensive and up to date understanding of the state of University- Business Cooperation (UBC) in Europe, from the perspective of both the higher education institutions (HEIs) and the business sector.
  • Fact Check: How well can students read and write in Germany?
    Anna Kleiner
    Mercator-Institut für Sprachförderung und Deutsch als Zweitsprache | June 2018
    Educational studies often trigger a debate over whether children and adolescents read and write increasingly poorly. The Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language at the University of Cologne shows the results of the study and provides information on scientifically based reading and writing support.
Featured Studies // November 2017


The introduction of English-taught degrees at continental European universities has been part of a larger internationalisation trend that took place after the completion of the Bologna process. This report provides a first overview of the emergence and growth of ETBs in Europe in addition to exploring the benefits, challenges, and impact of these programmes on the institutional and national level.

English-taught bachelor's programmes: Internationalising European higher education
EAIE | August 2017

Science Policy
  • Scientific freedom through checks and balances: Position paper of the Forum Hochschulräte
    Forum Hochschulräte | September 2017

  • Global science, national research, and the question of university rankings
    Ellen Hazelkorn, Andrew Gibson | November 2017

  • New financial instruments for innovation as a way to bridge the gaps of EU innovation support
    European Commission | Directorate-General for Research and Innovation | July 2017

Higher Education Policy
  • Transnational student associations in the European multi-level governance of higher education policies
    Manja Klemenčič, Fernando Palomares et al. | November 2017

  • Analysis of student flow and the crash of the Norwegian higher education sector
    Asle Høgestøl, Inger C. Nordhagen et al. | April 2017

  • International students: A briefing note to accompany the call for evidence
    PPMI / Migration Advisory Committee | October 2017

  • HousErasmus+: Research Report
    European Commission | Daiga Kuzmane, Stefan Jahnke et al. | September 2017

  • Eurydice Annual Report on national student fee and support systems in European higher education 2017/18
    European Commission | October 2017

  • Not by degrees: Improving student mental healthin the UK's universities
    IPPR | Craig Thorley | September 2017

  • University autonomy in Europe III - The Scorecard 2017
    EUA | Enora Bennetot Pruvot, Thomas Estermann | June 2017

  • Study on the cost of living for students 2017
    UNEF | August 2017

Featured Books // November 2017
  • coverThe Toxic University: Zombie leadership, academic rock stars and neoliberal ideology
    John Smyth | Palgrave | July 2017
  • Perspectives on the Internationalisation of Higher Education
    David Law, Michael Hoey (eds.) | Routledge | October 2017
  • Higher Education in Austerity Europe
    John Nixon (ed.) | Bloomsbury | September 2017
Featured Studies // September 2017


logoThe 2017 edition presents a new focus on fields of study, investigating both trends in enrolment at upper secondary and tertiary level, student mobility, and labour market outcomes of the qualifications obtained in these fields. The publication also introduces for the first time a full chapter dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals, providing an assessment of where OECD and partner countries stand on their way to meeting the SDG targets.

Education at a Glance 2017: OECD Indicators
OECD | September 2017
  • The shape of global higher education (Volume 2): International mobility of students, research and education provision
    Janet Ilieva, Pat Killingley et al. | British Council | July 2017

  • 10 trends – Transformative changes in higher education
    British Council | July 2017

  • Equity in tertiary education: Relevance and data availability across OECD countries
    Gabriele Marconi | OECD | June 2017

  • International University Lifestyle survey 2017
    Sodexo | September 2017
  • Horizon 2020 Evaluations
    European Commission | Directorate-General for Research and Innovation | May 2017

  • On the assessment of Horizon 2020 implementation in view of its interim evaluation and the Framework Programme 9 proposal
    Soledad Cabezón Ruiz | European Parliament: Committee on Industry, Research and Energy | June 2017

  • The Feasibility of an Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Initiative
    PPMI / Demokratie & Dialog Youth Policy Labs | 2017
  • New horizons. Future scenarios for research & innovation policies in Europe
    European Commission | Directorate-General for Research and Innovation | April 2017

  • Research: The readability of scientific texts is decreasing over time
    Pontus Plavén-Sigray et al. | Karolinska Institutet | September 2017
Featured Books // December 2016
  • coverThe Civic University: The Policy and Leadership Challenges
    John Goddard, Ellen Hazelkorn, Louise Kempton, Paul Vallance (eds.) | Edgar Elgar | November 2016
  • Entrepreneurship, Universities & Resources. Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research
    Ulla Hytti et al. (eds.) | Edgar Elgar | December 2016
  • Meritocracy and the University: Selective Admission in England and the United States
    Anna Mountford Zimdars | Bloomsbury | July 2016
  • Das Arbeit 4.0 MOOC Buch
    Anja C. Wagner et al. | FrolleinFlow | June 2016
Featured Books // September 2016
  • coverThe Political Economy of Higher Education Finance: The Politics of Tuition Fees and Subsidies in OECD Countries, 1945–2015 
    Julian L. Garritzmann | Springer | 2016 
  • Soft Governance, International Organizations and Education Policy Convergence: Comparing PISA and the Bologna and Copenhagen Processes 
    Tonia Bieber | Springer | 2016
  • International Students in French Universities and Grandes Écoles: A Comparative Study
    Cui Bian | Springer | 2017
  • Globalization and Transnational Academic Mobility: The Experiences Of Chinese Academic Returnees 
    Qiongqiong Chen | Springer | 2017
  • European Policy Implementation and Higher Education: Analysing the Bologna Process 
    Cristina Sin, Amélia Veiga, Alberto Amaral (eds.) | Springer | 2016
  • Global Regionalisms and Higher Education: Projects, Processes, Politics 
    Susan L. Robertson, Kris Olds, Roger Dale, Que Anh Dang (eds.) | Elgar | 2016
  • Lieselott Herforth: die erste Rektorin einer deutschen Universität 
    Waltraud Voss | Transcript | July 2016
  • Academics Going Public: How to Write and Speak Beyond Academe 
    Marybeth Gasman (ed.) | Routledge | 2016
  • A European Politics of Education: Perspectives from sociology, policy studies and politics 
    Romuald Normand, Jean-Louis Derouet (eds.) | Routledge | 2017
  • New Public Management and the Reform of Education: European lessons for policy and practice 
    Helen M. Gunter, Emiliano Grimaldi, David Hall, Roberto Serpieri (eds.) | Routledge | 2017
Featured Books // February 2016
  • Dimensions of Marketisation in Higher Education
    Peter John, Joëlle Fanghanel (eds.) Routledge | November 2016

  • Global University Rankings and the Mediatisation of Higher Education
    Michelle Stack | Palgrave | January 2016

  • The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies
    Adrian Curaj, Liviu Matei, Remus Pricopie, Jamil Salmi, Peter Scott (eds.) | Springer | October 2015
Featured Studies // January 2016


The DEFINE project has made funding efficiency in higher education the main focus of its research and activities, with the aim to provide recommendations that will support the development of strategies to increase the efficiency of university funding. This report brings together the analysis of different funding tools and system restructuring trends across Europe to try and respond to the demanding and complex financial situation and provide institutions with ways in which to improve.

Enora Bennetot Pruvot et al.
Designing Strategies for efficient funding of universities in Europe
European University Association | November 2015

more new studies
  • Education at a glance
    OECD | November 2015

  • Employability: which university is doing the best?
    Trendence | October 2015

  • European university mergers map
    EUA | October 2015

  • Education technology market in Europe 2015- 19
    Research and Markets | December 2015

  • Investing in research, innovation and education really does pay off!
    BiGGAR Economics | LERU| August 2015

  • Where are the happiest universities in Europe?
    Study Portals| September 2015

  • Gender and sex matter in research
    LERU | September 2015

  • Swiss students’ attitudes toward pharmacological cognitive enhancement
    K. E. Vrana | PlosOne | December 2015

  • Comparative study of Austrian, Swedish and Danish Innovation
    Joanneum Research | DAMVAD Analytics | November 2015
Featured Books // March 2015
  • Education Above All
    Science, Politics, Media and Unions after PISA

    Klaus Klemm, Jutta Roitsch (eds.) Waxmann | 2015 | in German
    Original title: Hauptsache Bildung: Wissenschaft, Politik, Medien und Gewerkschaften nach PISA

  • Pedagogy, Praxis and Purpose in Education
    Cara Mulcahy, Daniel Mulcahy, David Mulcahy| Routledge | 2015

  • Locus of Authority: The Evolution of Faculty Roles in the Governance of Higher Education
    William Bowen, Eugene Tobin | Princeton | March 2015
Featured Studies // March 2014


What conditions are European students living in today? How do they feel about their studies? How do students differ across countries? Answers to these question and more can be found in the EUROSTUDENT V study, “Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe 2012-2015”. Collecting data from 29 countries within the European Higher Education Area, this study analyses trends across the continent to produce an insight into student life and one of the most comprehensive and revealing student-surveys ever. We talked with Dominic Orr, project leader of EUROSTUDENT from 2005 to 2015. Read the interview (p. 6)

Kristina Hauschildt et al.
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. Synopsis of Indicators
Bertelsmann | March 2015

The conference video, an art & science production by ESNA Media (Berlin) and Caucaso (Bologna) is available here:

more new studies
  • Aiming Higher: Race, Inequality and Diversity in the Academy
    Runnymede Trust | February 2015

  • English-Taught Programmes in European Higher Education
    Lemmens | 2014

  • Education Policy Outlook 2015: Making Reforms Happen
    OECD | January 2015

  • Brand Awareness of Dutch Higher Education Abroad
    Danish Education and Research Ministry | January 2015 | in Danish

  • Investing in the Internationalisation of Higher Education
    Quentin Delpech | France Stratégie | January 2015 | in French

  • Equality in Swedish Higher Education and Research
    Research Council of Sweden | January 2015 | in Swedish
Featured Books // October 2014
  • coverGender in Science and Technology 
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches
    by Waltraud Ernst, Ilona Horwart (eds.)

    read our review (by Alice N. Rogders, p. 7)

  • Coopetition for Regional Competitiveness 
  • The Role of Academe in Knowledge-based Industrial Clustering
    by Jomphong Mongkhonvanit

  • Knowledge, Diversity and Performance in European Higher Education
  • A Changing Landscape
    by Andrea Bonaccorsi

  • Student Voices on Inequalities in European Higher Education
    Challenges for Theory, Policy and Practice in a time of change
  • by Fergal Finnegan, Barbara Merrill, Camilla Thunborg (eds.)

  • Multicultural Awareness and Technology in Higher Education
    Global Perspectives
  • by Tomayess Issa, Pedro Isaias, Piet Kommers (eds.)

  • The History of American Higher Education
    Learning and Culture from the Founding to World War II
  • by Roger L. Geiger

  • The Future of the Post-Massified University at the Crossroads
    Restructuring Systems and Functions
  • by Jung Cheol Shin, Ulrich Teichler
Book Review // November 2014
coverGender in science and technology: Interdisciplinary approaches

The book positions itself nicely within a trending body of literature that insists on the importance of interdisciplinary approaches within research. This has been particularly important for the field of gender studies and the last 20 years has seen a push for using interdisciplinary approaches to further understandings of the multiple dimensions of intersectional gender inequality. It is an exciting time for the discipline: Through interdisciplinarity, gender studies has managed to establish itself as a field of knowledge production in its own right (whilst it has simultaneously and importantly restrained from producing itself as a successor discipline), highlighting the importance of challenging the biased epistemological foundations of knowledge production.

The aims of the book appear to be threefold: to allow those in the field of science and technology to reflect on previously un-reflected assumptions within their work, to challenge the supposedly ‘neutral’ principles of science and technology (which inadvertently hide gender hierarchies), and finally, to allow for more collaboration in the field with men and women on equal terms.

Anne Balsamo sets the stage for the rest of the book, and introduces a number of key concepts and ideas that are crucial for understanding how gender and technology can be fused. Balsamo specifically looks at how feminist theory can be used to improve the design process. She immediately references the work of gender study’s ‘woman-of-the- moment’, physicist Karen Barad, who famously declared that “matter does matter”. New materialist concerns posit that we must move away from an essentialist distinction between subjects and objects and that neither subjects nor materiality preexist the interactions that constitute them. The implications of this claim being that technologies do not exist out of time, and that all participants bring gendered, cultural and class-based assumptions to the designing process.

For those who are not yet convinced that theory and practice can interrelate, Els Rommes offers an insightful example of how feminist theory can be used when it comes to looking at processes surrounding the designing of new products. Rommes analyses research and asks whether it is enough to just design products that include more women, or whether feminist designs should include efforts to provide for changes in gender relations.

Rommes details a number of design methods that were used by the participating designers, explaining the potentially problematic aspects of each. She makes a convincing argument for a critical analysis of supposed gender- inclusive design strategies, but it was somewhat disappointing that she did not provide any concrete examples of how this could be done, which was a shame, considering that one of the overall aims of the book was to aid people to apply gender theory in their practical work.

However readers need not feel disappointed, as Corinna Bath’s work might well provide some of those useful practical examples. Focusing on technology design in computer science, Bath brings pragmatic feminist technological design methods, “that avoid a perpetuation of the existing structural-symbolic gender order”. She encourages the reader to ‘de-gender’ computational artefacts by questioning assumptions, ontologies and epistemologies of technology design. Bath suggests a number of alternative technology design methods. These vary from discourse analysis approaches to anthropological inquiry.

This book contributes much-needed analysis to a very exciting and innovative area of academic inquiry. With its combination of feminist theory, design intervention strategies and constructive advice on how to take these ideas forward in a practical dimension, it is hard to see how anyone could remain unconvinced about the compatibility of these two disciplines. By reflecting critically on gender in the diverse ways the authors suggest, we can see how it may be possible to overcome gender inequality and power hierarchies generally.

Alice Naomi Rodgers
for ESNA European Higher Education News
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Featured Studies // October 2014
  • The Erasmus Impact Study 
    Effects Of Mobility On The Skills And Employability Of Students And The Internationalisation Of Higher Education Institutions
    by Uwe Brandenburg et al., European Commission | September 2014
  • Transational Education vs International Student Mobility 
    Substitutes Or Distinct Markets?
    by Vangelis Tsiligiris, OBHE | June 2014 
  • Financial aid to EU students in the UK 
    BIS | September 2014 
  • International Students in UK Higher Education 
    The Uk And Its Competition 
    Universities UK | September 2014 
  • Expanding Opportunities by Opening Your Mind
    by Murat Özoğlu, Bekir Gür, İpek Coşkun, SETA | March 2012 

  • International Comparisons in Postgraduate Education Quality, Access And Employment Outcomes 
    HEFCE | September 2014 
  • How University Education Fits Labour Market Needs 
    ABSOLVENTA | September 2014 

research & innovation policy
  • The Role of Higher Education Centres in Research and Policy 
    A Case From A European Periphery 
    Pavel Zgaga, CEPS | September 2014 
  • The Innovation Challenge A New Approach To Research Funding? 
    Million + | September 2014 
  • Dossier: Research in France and Beyond – A question of money or ideology? 
    SNESUP-FSU | May 2014 
  • Facts are more important than novelty 
    Replication In The Education Sciences 
    by Matthew Makel, Jonathan Plucker, Educational Researcher | August 2014 
  • Tenure Track at LERU Universities 
    Models For Attractive Research Careers In Europe
    by Hans-Jochen Schiewer et al., LERU | September 2014 
  • Global Innovation Index 2014 
    Cornell University | July 2014 

higher education policy
  • Education at a Glance 2014 
    OECD | September 2014 
  • Strategizing Identity in Higher Education
    by Tatiana Fumasoli et al., University of Agder | 2014 
  • Higher Education in a Changing Society 
    (Germany) CHE | September 2014 
  • Uzbekistan: Modernizing Tertiary Education 
    by Naveed Hassan Naqvi, Igor Kheyfets, Worldbank | June 2014 

  • How open are German universities to social climbers? 
    by Christina Möller, IAB Nürnberg | 2013 
  • UK Student housing market view 
    CBRE | August 2014 
  • What is the impact of integrating language and content in higher education and how do you study it? 
    by Magnus Gustafsson et al., Chalmers University | 2014
Featured Books // October 2013
  • University Expansion in a Changing Global Economy
    Triumph of the Brics?

    by Martin Carnoy et al.
  • The Globalisation Challenge for European Higher Education
    Convergence and Diversity, Centres and Peripheries

    by Pavel Zgaga, Ulrich Teichler, John Brennan (eds.)
  • The Globalization of Higher Education
    by Roger King , Simon Marginson , Rajani Naidoo (eds.)
  • Possible Futures: The Next 25 Years of the Internationalisation
    EAIE Anniversary Publication 2013

    by Roger Brown, Helen Carasso
Featured Studies // October 2013

  • Delivering Education Across Borders in the EU
    by Uwe Brandenburg, Andrew McCoshan et al. CHE Consult | 2013

  • The Shape of Things to Come
    The Evolution of Transnational Education
    by John McNamara et al. British Council | September 2013

  • International Education
    Global Growth and Prosperity (UK)
    by HM Government | July 2013

  • Skills, Professional Regulation, and International Mobility in the Engineering Workforce
    by Matthew Dixon, Migration Policy Institute | July 2013
internationalisation (EU)
  • European Higher Education in the World
    EU strategy paper
    European Commission | July 2013

  • EUROSTAT 2012 - Tertiary Education Statistics
    Eurostat | December 2012

  • Tempus in the Southern Mediterranean 2002-2013
    Róisín Mc Cabe, Philippe Ruffio, Eva Valle Casanova, EACEA | June 2013
  • Tempus in Eastern Europe 1993-2013
    Róisín Mc Cabe, Giulia Moro et al.
    EACEA | June 2013  
  • Tackling Brain Waste
    Strategies to Improve the Recognition of Immigrants’ Foreign Qualifications
    Madeleine Sumption, Migration Policy Institute | July 2013

  • Review of Credit Accumulation and Transfer Policy and Practice (UK)
    HEA | July 2013

  • Recognizing Foreign Qualifications
    Emerging Global Trends
    Lesleyanne Hawthorne, Migration Policy Institute | July 2013

  • A Framework for Fair Recognition of Joint Degrees
    Axel Aerden, Jenneke Lokhoff, ECA | July 2013
higher education policy
  • Horizon Scanning
    What Will Higher Education Look Like In 2020?
    Fiona MacLeod Universities UK | September 2013

  • Quest for Quality for Students
    Survey on Students’ Perspectives
    Jens Jungblut, Martina Vukasovic, ESU | August 2013

  • German Universities at a Glance
    Pia Brugger, Marco Threin, Miriam Wolters, Statistisches Bundesamt | July 2013 (in German)

  • Where Student Fees Go (UK)
    William Lawton, Mamun Ahmed et al. OBHE | September 2013