WORK with us


We offer internships and training placements, throughout the year, to international students, graduates and young professionals in Journalism, public relations, communication and other relevant disciplines, with a proven interest in the Higher Education and science field. (There is also the possibility for those interested in developing graphic design and page layout skills. Please enquire for more information.)

Internships based on the obligations of the European mobility grants (ERASMUS, LEONARDO or GRUNDTVIG) last between 3 to 6 months.

For deadlines, applications and cooperation inquiries, please contact us via email with your request and/or CV, as well as official references at

Job vacancies

Currently there are  - no -  vacancies at ESNA European Higher Education News Berlin.

Network of correspondents

Professional journalists specialised in education, higher education and science policy issues and all related areas are invited to join our network. International coordinator is Mr Tino Brömme,